
Showing posts from November, 2023

Life is another School

  Life is another School Life is just like gate which opens door for lots of opportunities to learn and grow; Life is just like teacher which teaches us important lessons of life and help us in grooming for tomorrow; Life is just like school classroom after passing each challenge the next level become more tough; Life is just like school board which is empty but we can fill it with different colours of knowledge and information; Life just like playground where some people are your team mate and some are there to challenge you; Life is just like school exams, we don’t know the question paper but we have to be prepared to answer it; Life is just like school report card which gives us result as per our performance, behaviour and participation; Life is just like school bus in which we enjoy journey with are friends till we reach destination; Life itself is a school which grooms, nurtures and build our personalities for future and life time.   By: Samanvi Jain